Event Detail
Webinar 1- Good Practices on Inclusive Societies
Date 14 Jun 2021 12:00 - 14:00
HOPE project's lead partner, City of Seinäjoki in South Ostrobothnia (Finland), will host the first webinar of the partnership. Entitled 'Good practices on inclusive Societies through multi-professional and multi-sectoral Collaboration', the webinar will be moderated by Dr Jari Kolehmainen from Tampere University, on the 14th of June, from 12:00 to 14:00 CEST. With this first session, the HOPE partners aim to:

• acknowledge different dimensions like (un)employment, inclusivity, wellbeing and health which are closely connected and influenced the wellbeing of individuals. 
• understand and develop multi-professional and multi-organizational approaches and solutions to support wellbeing, inclusion, employment, and entrepreneurship.
• learn about entrepreneurial activities, especially among the people at working age or those approaching it and to learn about social entrepreneurship and digital opportunities to decrease isolation and enhance inclusivity. 
• learn and modify / improve / renew horizontal policies supporting inclusive societies. 
• be able to perform self-assessment and reflection through the social economy missions (workshops) and share good practices in the follow-up webinar.

Webinar 1- Good Practices on Inclusive Societies
14 Jun 2021 12:00 - 14:00
HOPE project's lead partner, City of Seinäjoki in South Ostrobothnia (Finland), will host the first webinar of the partnership. Entitled 'Good practices on inclusive Societies through multi-professional and multi-sectoral Collaboration', the webinar will be moderated by Dr Jari Kolehmainen from Tampere University, on the 14th of June, from 12:00 to 14:00 CEST. With this first session, the HOPE partners aim to:

• acknowledge different dimensions like (un)employment, inclusivity, wellbeing and health which are closely connected and influenced the wellbeing of individuals. 
• understand and develop multi-professional and multi-organizational approaches and solutions to support wellbeing, inclusion, employment, and entrepreneurship.
• learn about entrepreneurial activities, especially among the people at working age or those approaching it and to learn about social entrepreneurship and digital opportunities to decrease isolation and enhance inclusivity. 
• learn and modify / improve / renew horizontal policies supporting inclusive societies. 
• be able to perform self-assessment and reflection through the social economy missions (workshops) and share good practices in the follow-up webinar.
14 June 2021   12:00 - 14:00
Welcoming and opening remarks
Mr Erkki Välimäki, Director, City Development, Seinäjoki and HOPE Project Manager.
Introduction of participants and agenda of the webinar
Helli Kitinoja, Senior Advisor, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland
HOPE project facilitator.
Youth and Internet – are they addicted?
Ari Haasio, PhD, Principal Lecturer, Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland
Local change agency for inclusive, social economy?
Jari Kolehmainen, Tampere University, Finland
Presentations of the Best Practices (Moderator: Jari Kolehmainen)
LADIES Cooperative, sustainable tourism and hospitality, Z.o.o., social enterprise
Teja Lovrec, Maribor, Slovenia

Aljaž Brodnjak, PRIZMA, Slovenia

Inclusive Growth Strategy OR The Foyle Community Work Programme (FCWP)
TBC, Northern Ireland

Healthy Kids of Seinäjoki Model
Henna Rantasaari, Coordinator of Health and Welfare Promotion, City of Seinäjoki, Finland

House of Actions
Sonja Mayer-Jokiranta, Toimintojentalo Association, City of Seinäjoki, Finland
EU-Social Economy Action Plan and Social Economy Enterprises
Patrick Klein, Team Leader on Social Economy in DG GROW, European Commission
Closing the webinar 1
Erkki Välimäki, HOPE project Manager, City of Seinäjoki, Finland