Event Detail
Workshop 2 - Social Economy Mission in Maribor
Dates 4 Oct 2021 11:00 - 5 Oct 2021 15:00
HOPE project's partner, City of Maribori in Slovenia, will host the second virtual session of the partnership. Entitled 'Good practices on Inclusive Societies through Social Entrepreneurship and Digital Opportunities', on the 4-5 October, from 11:00 to 15:00 CET. With this second session, the HOPE partners aim to achieve the following objectives:

To introduce and understand the phenomenon: (un)employment, inclusivity, wellness, and health, which are closely connected. Constructing social economy requires acknowledging these different dimensions and challenges the project partners and their stakeholders face.
To understand and develop multi-professional and multi-organizational approaches and solutions to support wellbeing, inclusion, employment, and entrepreneurship.
To learn about social entrepreneurship and digital opportunities to decrease isolation and enhance inclusivity and entrepreneurial activities, especially among the people at working age or those approaching it. 
To learn and modify / improve / renew horizontal policies supporting inclusive societies. 
To be able to perform self-assessment and reflection through the social economy missions (workshops) and share good practices. 

Workshop 2 - Social Economy Mission in Maribor
4 Oct 2021 11:00 - 5 Oct 2021 15:00
HOPE project's partner, City of Maribori in Slovenia, will host the second virtual session of the partnership. Entitled 'Good practices on Inclusive Societies through Social Entrepreneurship and Digital Opportunities', on the 4-5 October, from 11:00 to 15:00 CET. With this second session, the HOPE partners aim to achieve the following objectives:

To introduce and understand the phenomenon: (un)employment, inclusivity, wellness, and health, which are closely connected. Constructing social economy requires acknowledging these different dimensions and challenges the project partners and their stakeholders face.
To understand and develop multi-professional and multi-organizational approaches and solutions to support wellbeing, inclusion, employment, and entrepreneurship.
To learn about social entrepreneurship and digital opportunities to decrease isolation and enhance inclusivity and entrepreneurial activities, especially among the people at working age or those approaching it. 
To learn and modify / improve / renew horizontal policies supporting inclusive societies. 
To be able to perform self-assessment and reflection through the social economy missions (workshops) and share good practices. 
Day 1 : 04 October 2021   11:00 - 15:00
Welcoming and opening remarks
Klemen Risto Bizjak, City of Maribor and HOPE Project partner will introduce the participants and present the agenda of the workshop.
Building favourable ecosystem for Social Economy, including case examples
Building the regional ecosystem for social economy in Maribor & Podravje Region:

- Dušanka Lužar Šajt, PRIZMA Foundation: Holistic network Social innovation and economy Hub Podravje / Maribor as integral element of the Podravje region network business incubator 2021-2027.

- Julija Marošek, PRIZMA Foundation: IN SITU - Social Innovation Hub working with unemployed.

- Mateja Karničnik, PRIZMA foundation: CERUSI: Sky rocket platform a new digital environment for Innovators where Challenges meet Social Innovations & Knowledge Hub (RSI Academy).

- Dušanka Lužar Šajt, PRIZMA Foundation: Boosting Social Innovation in Maribor using digital tools, (open source platforms supporting participatory budgeting in Maribor city and boosting citizens participation in solving community problems) – + Resilient project (Interreg Mediteran).

Instruments on national level to enhance social entrepreneurship:
- Miro Mihec, ETIKA d.o.o. (company for ethical advertising, projects and marketing with positive social impact): From ethics and social responsibility to the social economy / Role of mentoring in social entrepreneurship and establishing of two programs: publicly valid study program for training in the field of higher professional education "Social economy expert" and the "European business school of social economy"
Coffee break
Digital opportunities for social economy & social entrepreneurship
Cases of good practice

Tourism, social innovation, innovative local products in COVID 19 situation on countryside of Styria ~ Slovenia

Janja Viher, ZIP - Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Social Enterprise Pupillam GREEAN APPLE ZW
Iris Magajna - društvo Pupilam http://www.zelena-japka.si/

Marko Beličič, Kooperativa eDostava za trajnostno mobilnost in ogljično nevtralnost

Closing the 1st day of the workshop

Day 2 : 05 October 2021   11:00 - 15:00
Opening the 2nd day of the workshop
The 2nd day of the workshop Klemen Risto Bizjak, City of Maribor and HOPE Project partner will introduce the HOPE project partners from Derry (North Ireland) and Seinajoki (Finland).

Coffee break

Digital infrastructure and start up ideas for social economy. Conclusion
Presentations of projects DIH UM & IZUM

HPC RIVR - the most powerful public supercomputer in Slovenia
https://www.hpc-rivr.si/podrocja-uporabe/ (TBD)

Short presentations of social start ups
Closing the 2nd workshop
Klemen Risto Bizjak, City of Maribor and HOPE Project partner
End of the first HOPE workshop