News Detail

'Good practices on inclusive Societies through multi-professional and multi-sectoral Collaboration'
30 Jun 2021
Over 30 attendees from Finland, Slovenia and Northern Ireland participated on horizontal policies to support social economy
HOPE project's lead partner, City of Seinäjoki in South Ostrobothnia (Finland), hosted the first webinar of the partnership on June 14th. Entitled 'Good practices on inclusive Societies through multi-professional and multi-sectoral Collaboration'. Over 30 key stakeholders from Seinäjoki, Maribor (Slovenia) and Derry & Strabane (Northern Ireland) have attended the webinar, moderated by Dr Jari Kolehmainen from Tampere University.

Participants had the opportunity to learn and understand the multi-professional and multi-organizational approaches and solutions to support wellbeing, inclusion, employment, and entrepreneurship.

The first speaker Ari Haasio, Principal Lecturer at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Finland) talked about the Internet usage of the youth. As, people (especially youth) build their identity by using different apps and sharing content on the Internet, he highlighted that safe spaces or virtual homes are often as important as physical spaces and he stated that “the important question is WHAT the kids do on the net, not how much time they spend there”. 

Jari Kolehmainen, Research Director of Tampere University (Finland), gave a presentation on ‘Local change agency for inclusive, social economy?’ and talked about regional development. Regions have different characteristics both in terms of both structural preconditions and agency. He said that “human agency is the most important factor when setting the goals for the regional development “. The regional development has a path dependent nature, and making deliberate changes calls for multi-faceted change agency. 

Teja Lovrec from Cooperativa DAME (Ladies) development of sustainable tourism and restaurant business, presented the first restaurant in Maribor (Slovenia), which has certified organic dishes, wines and juices on its menu. Cooperativa DAME are becoming a recognized social initiative, building network and strengthening local supply chain and resources.

Aljaž Brodnjak from PRIZMA talked about the SocioLab that is intended to establish a comprehensive ecosystem to strengthen the potential of individuals, initiatives and communities in order to expand the social economy in the Podravska region (Slovenia).

Henna Rantasaari, Coordinator of Health and Welfare Promotion of the City of Seinäjoki presented, Healthy Kids of Seinäjoki (HKS) model, a multi-professional model to promote the well-being and health of children, young people and families with children. The main driving idea of the HKS model is the multi-sectoral cooperation between different operators in Seinäjoki that supports well-being.

Sonja Mayer-Jokiranta from Toimintojentalo Association (Finland) talked about the “Toimintojentalo-House of actions”, a house of many different actions and activities, such as being an open meeting place, event organizer and enabler, job coaching unit and much more. The house has its roots deep in communality, which to this day has been the single most important value of the place. It is a unique municipal and association hybrid operating model.

Brian O'Neill from Enterprise NorthWest presented The Social Enterprise Hub. That offers a unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities to grow the positive impact of Social Enterprises work in the Northwest of Northern Ireland. The Social Enterprise Hub is a specialist support initiative offering business advice, training and consultancy across the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

EU-Social Economy Action Plan and Social Economy Enterprises
Patrick Klein, Team Leader on Social Economy in DG GROW, explained the findings of the European Action Plan for the Social Economy, this initiative seeks to boost the contribution of social economy organisations to a fair and sustainable growth. It will enhance social investment, support social economy actors to start up, scale up, innovate and create jobs.

Click here to email  Maixa Zabaleta at ERNACT Network for further information

'Good practices on inclusive Societies through multi-professional and multi-sectoral Collaboration'
30 Jun 2021
Over 30 attendees from Finland, Slovenia and Northern Ireland participated on horizontal policies to support social economy
HOPE project's lead partner, City of Seinäjoki in South Ostrobothnia (Finland), hosted the first webinar of the partnership on June 14th. Entitled 'Good practices on inclusive Societies through multi-professional and multi-sectoral Collaboration'. Over 30 key stakeholders from Seinäjoki, Maribor (Slovenia) and Derry & Strabane (Northern Ireland) have attended the webinar, moderated by Dr Jari Kolehmainen from Tampere University.

Participants had the opportunity to learn and understand the multi-professional and multi-organizational approaches and solutions to support wellbeing, inclusion, employment, and entrepreneurship.

The first speaker Ari Haasio, Principal Lecturer at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (Finland) talked about the Internet usage of the youth. As, people (especially youth) build their identity by using different apps and sharing content on the Internet, he highlighted that safe spaces or virtual homes are often as important as physical spaces and he stated that “the important question is WHAT the kids do on the net, not how much time they spend there”. 

Jari Kolehmainen, Research Director of Tampere University (Finland), gave a presentation on ‘Local change agency for inclusive, social economy?’ and talked about regional development. Regions have different characteristics both in terms of both structural preconditions and agency. He said that “human agency is the most important factor when setting the goals for the regional development “. The regional development has a path dependent nature, and making deliberate changes calls for multi-faceted change agency. 

Teja Lovrec from Cooperativa DAME (Ladies) development of sustainable tourism and restaurant business, presented the first restaurant in Maribor (Slovenia), which has certified organic dishes, wines and juices on its menu. Cooperativa DAME are becoming a recognized social initiative, building network and strengthening local supply chain and resources.

Aljaž Brodnjak from PRIZMA talked about the SocioLab that is intended to establish a comprehensive ecosystem to strengthen the potential of individuals, initiatives and communities in order to expand the social economy in the Podravska region (Slovenia).

Henna Rantasaari, Coordinator of Health and Welfare Promotion of the City of Seinäjoki presented, Healthy Kids of Seinäjoki (HKS) model, a multi-professional model to promote the well-being and health of children, young people and families with children. The main driving idea of the HKS model is the multi-sectoral cooperation between different operators in Seinäjoki that supports well-being.

Sonja Mayer-Jokiranta from Toimintojentalo Association (Finland) talked about the “Toimintojentalo-House of actions”, a house of many different actions and activities, such as being an open meeting place, event organizer and enabler, job coaching unit and much more. The house has its roots deep in communality, which to this day has been the single most important value of the place. It is a unique municipal and association hybrid operating model.

Brian O'Neill from Enterprise NorthWest presented The Social Enterprise Hub. That offers a unique ecosystem of resources, inspiration, and collaboration opportunities to grow the positive impact of Social Enterprises work in the Northwest of Northern Ireland. The Social Enterprise Hub is a specialist support initiative offering business advice, training and consultancy across the Derry City and Strabane District Council area.

EU-Social Economy Action Plan and Social Economy Enterprises
Patrick Klein, Team Leader on Social Economy in DG GROW, explained the findings of the European Action Plan for the Social Economy, this initiative seeks to boost the contribution of social economy organisations to a fair and sustainable growth. It will enhance social investment, support social economy actors to start up, scale up, innovate and create jobs.

Click here to email  Maixa Zabaleta at ERNACT Network for further information